Our Complaints Process

Compensation-Claims.org is a brand name of Oracle Associates Limited and refers potential claimants to our panel of appointed solicitors.

In the unlikely event of complaints arising out of services provided by our solicitors, your complaint will be forwarded to the relevant firm of solicitors to be dealt with according to their own complaints handling procedures which are subject to the principles of their Professional Regulations.

At Oracle Associates Limited customer relations is something that we strive to maintain and exceed. Any complaint received is taken very seriously and is dealt with professionally and courteously in accordance with our internal complaints procedure. This procedure is designed to resolve our clients’ concerns quickly and efficiently in respect of a claims management service that we have provided and that is regulated under the Compensation Act 2006.

Complaints may be made in writing to:
Customer Relations
Oracle Associates Ltd
Bridge House
1st floor
Heap Bridge
or by telephone on: 0800 988 4701

or by e-mail to: [email protected]

What happens next?
You will receive a written or electronic acknowledgment of your complaint within five business days of receipt, identifying the person who will be handling your complaint.

Within four weeks of receiving the complaint;

We will send you either;

a. a final response which adequately addresses the complaint.

b. a holding response which explains why we are not yet in a position to resolve the complaint and which will indicate when we will make further contact with you.

Within eight weeks of receiving the complaint;

We will send you either;

a. a final response which adequately addresses the complaint.

b. a holding response which explains why we are still not in a position to make a final response, give reasons for the further delay and inform you that you may refer the handling of the complaint to the Claims Management Regulator if you are dissatisfied with the delay.

The outcome.

Where we decide that redress is appropriate, we will provide you with fair compensation for any acts or omissions for which we are responsible and will comply with any offer of redress which you accept. Appropriate redress will not always involve financial redress.

If we do not hear from you within 14 days of receiving our final response we will assume that your complaint has been resolved.

What to do if you are not satisfied with our response.

If you are not satisfied with our response or if a complaint is not resolved after eight weeks, you may refer the complaint to:

Claims Management Regulator
PO Box 7824
Burton Trent
DE14 9DP
[email protected]
Tel: 0845 450 6858

The Regulator will only intervene once all steps of the company’s ‘in house’ complaints procedure have been followed. The Regulator can review the handling of the complaint and give a direction on further handling of the complaint. However, the Regulator cannot determine a complaint or award compensation.

We reserve the right not to consider a complaint which is more than six months old. We will confirm to you in writing whether a complaint has been made outside the time limit.